Quality of Tears

When someone whimpers, he or she cries because of current events. That person has relatively light emotions which can be released soon. Those emotions are related to digestive organs. Usually in this situation, people just need to cry to cleanse themselves.

When someone blubbers, he or she cries because of deep emotions which have been experienced recurrently for a long time. Some of the deepest emotions were uncovered, so they start to melt like snowmelt. In this case, that person needs some safe and warm place to cry to feel relief. Warm non-alcoholic drinks, something warm which covers that person gently and preparing a warm bath also helps such a person. Washing away something which is not needed for someone, or releasing from something which binds someone, sometimes we need to cry sufficiently. Those emotions are related to respiratory organs.

Crying is not a disease. We just need enough time for crying, not medicine.
